Recover a Missing Child in New Mexico

Recover a Missing Child in New Mexico
Children may go missing in New Mexico as a result of abduction by another parent, but sometimes your child simply runs away. No matter why your child has gone missing, The Committee for Missing Children can help you locate them and reunite.
The Committee for Missing Children knows the ins and outs of finding missing children in New Mexico, so we can help you with every step of the process. Whether your child has been abducted by a parent without custody or has run away with somebody, The Committee for Missing Children can help you find them and get them home safely.
Casting a Wide Net
Recovering missing children starts with casting a wide net, which means notifying law enforcement and missing children agencies right away. It’s not enough to notify local law enforcement, either; you need to make sure your missing child is entered into any relevant national databases.
At The Committee for Missing Children, we can help you cast a wide net to make it easier to find missing children in New Mexico. We’ll help you take advantage of all the resources that are available, so you can bring your missing child home safely. We can also help identify legal needs and provide guidance for parents of missing children.
Tireless Advocacy for Child Protection
The Committee for Missing Children doesn’t just help recover missing children, we also advocate for child protection to make sure every child is protected. We support New Mexico laws and lawmakers that are focused on protecting children, that way fewer children go missing and the ones who do are easier to find. Not only does The Committee for Missing Children work to advocate for children in New Mexico, but we’re also active in the rest of the 50 states.
If your child has been abducted or run away, The Committee for Missing Children is here to help.
Additional Resources for Missing Children in New Mexico:
Missing Children
Custodial & Parental Abduction Legal Codes:
New Mexico Statutes Chapter 30. Criminal Offenses § 30-4-1. Kidnapping
“A. Kidnapping is the unlawful taking, restraining, transporting or confining of a person, by force, intimidation or deception, with intent:
- that the victim be held for ransom;
- that the victim be held as a hostage or shield and confined against his will;
- that the victim be held to service against the victim’s will; or
- to inflict death, physical injury or a sexual offense on the victim.
B. Whoever commits kidnapping is guilty of a first degree felony, except that he is guilty of a second degree felony when he voluntarily frees the victim in a safe place and does not inflict physical injury or a sexual offense upon the victim.”
New Mexico Statutes Chapter 30. Criminal Offenses § 30-4-4. Custodial interference; penalties
“A. As used in this section:
- “child” means an individual who has not reached his eighteenth birthday;
- “custody determination” means a judgment or order of a court of competent jurisdiction providing for the custody of a child, including visitation rights;
- “person” means any individual or legal entity, whether incorporated or unincorporated, including the United States, the state of New Mexico or any subdivision thereof;
- “physical custody” means actual possession and control of a child; and
- “right to custody” means the right to physical custody or visitation of a child arising from:
(a) a parent-child relationship between the child and a natural or adoptive parent absent a custody determination; or
(b) a custody determination. (… continued on page)”