Recover Missing Children in Illinois

Casting a Wide Net
The Committee for Missing Children is dedicated to reuniting abducted children with their parents, which is why we go to the furthest lengths to make sure you can reconnect with your kids. Our team will be able to help you by providing guidance and emotional support throughout this entire process, so that you do not have to feel like you are alone in this situation. We may also be able to help you deal with the financial frustration that can come with trying to locate a missing child that has been kidnapped, helping to secure travel, lodging, and other expenses that may be encountered during this process.
Tireless Advocacy for Child Protection
At the Committee for Missing Children, we believe that children should have the right to a secure life. Not only do we work hard to help parents locate their missing children, but we also advocate for child protection every chance we get. We believe in helping parents, which means doing everything we can to help find your missing child. If you would like to learn more about how our efforts have helped reunite families, please see our success stories.
Additional Resources for Missing Children in Illinois
Missing Children: Each state has their own established clearinghouse for assisting in cases such as this, and you can find the link to the Illinois Clearinghouse here: Illinois State Police Clearinghouse.
Custody & Parental Kidnapping
You can also visit the following site to review the legal codes for the state of Illinois. On this site, you will find a range of information, such as:
Statute designating the department responsible for missing children: 40/3.6: “Department of Children and Family Services; missing persons. The Department shall develop and conduct a training advisory for LEADS reporting of missing persons when the missing individual, regardless of age, is under the care and legal custody of the Department of Children and Family Services.”
Statute defining kidnapping: 720/10.1: “Confinement of a child under the age of 13 years, or of a person with a severe or profound intellectual disability, is against that child’s or person’s will within the meaning of this Section if that confinement is without the consent of that child’s or person’s parent or legal guardian.”
Statute designating powers of clearinghouse: 325/40/3: “The Department shall establish a State Missing Persons Clearinghouse as a resource to promote an immediate and effective community response to missing children and may engage in, but shall not be limited to, the following activities:
To compile, maintain and make available data upon the request of law enforcement agencies and other entities deemed appropriate by the Department to assist enforcement agencies in recovering missing children, including but not limited to data regarding the places of shelter commonly used by runaway children in a requested geographical area.
To establish and maintain contacts with other state missing persons clearinghouses, law enforcement agencies, and missing persons non-profit organizations in order to increase the probability of locating and returning missing children, and to otherwise assist in the recovery and tracking of missing children.”